4. FileFlex and Director 5
Glenn Picher, a leading Director
developer, recently wrote about FileFlex and Director for the February '96
issue of the Lingo User's
Journal. The description was so clear that we asked for and got permission
reprint portions of the review below:
Database Access in Director
When a multimedia production grows in scope to include a large volume of
data, Director's built-in Lingo facilities for managing data can be pushed
beyond their limits. Director's text cast members (in which you might store
list data) have a 32K maximum on the Mac, and the FileIO XObject has problems
reading in text files of more than 64K on Windows. There are also performance
problems in searching large lists with Lingo. Symbol searching is fast on
both the Mac and Windows platforms, but on Windows, a 64K limit on symbol
data and list size effectively force you to use much slower string-based
searches in smaller sublists. Windows string searches are considerably faster
than on the Mac, probably due to the Intel x86 family of processors' one-opcode
string instructions; but even on Windows, string searches can be slow with
large volumes of information. Such Lingo-coded database schemes also can
tie up a good deal of memory, which can be a problem on low-horsepower machines.
FileFlex from Component Software is a good solution that extends the volume
of information possible in cross-platform Director multimedia productions,
while kicking access speed into overdrive and simplifying the creation of
FileFlex is a database "back end" that your end users never see.
You can design an interface "front end" any way you please with
the Director cast members you're used to, then use Lingo to tie into the
FileFlex back end for database functions. Since FileFlex uses compiled code,
rather than interpreted Lingo, performance is in an altogether different
Rather than storing database information in Director cast members or in
its own proprietary file format, FileFlex is designed to read and write
standard dBASE-format files, supported by FoxPro, FileMaker Pro, and many
other database applications on both Mac and Windows. Significantly, this
means your data can be created, checked and updated independently of your
Director development efforts. This can free the time and brainspace of a
Director-saavy Lingo programmer while someone else massages the actual database
content. Thus even a client who might know nothing at all about multimedia
production, but knows a database program even better than you do, can join
the production team in a meaningful way .
This approach gives you the power of a full-featured database application
while creating your title, and even opens the door to useful authoring-time
automation such as AppleScript droplets in combination with FileMaker Pro.
This can be especially helpful in converting existing databases for use
in multimedia productions. Since you'd only use a full-featured database
program while you're authoring, you'd only need to license FileFlex-- small,
fast and relatively cheap-- for end users. FileFlex itself has a very small
footprint, both on disk and while active in memory. Alternatively, you can
reconfigure and update databases with FileFlex using Lingo, without any
database program.
FileFlex supports over a billion records in a single database file, allows
access to multiple databases, and supports multiple independent index files
(for speed in searching) for each database. Practically speaking, you'll
never push these limits with Director. FileFlex databases don't store pictures,
sounds or digital video movies per se, but could be used to keep track of
internally stored castmembers, or even externally stored files that Director
can import on-the-fly using Lingo's "the filename of cast" property
or "importFileInto" keyword .
The software development kit for FileFlex is licensed separately from a
distributable runtime version. The only difference is a not-too-onerous
copy protection encryption scheme built into the runtime version which does
not affect performance in any way. The runtime version only opens database
filenames that have been pre-encrypted at authoring time.
The SDK and runtimes are licensed separately for each platform. The SDK
lists for $195, but can be had for $119 plus $8 shipping. Run-time licenses
are $100 per title plus $8 shipping. In short, it'll cost you $470 to license
FileFlex for a crossplatform project. If your client will be reselling the
product, they'll need to own their own SDK and runtime licenses.
Designing Databases for Use in Director Productions
How would you design a database and use it in a Director production? The
database contents are most easily created and maintained in a full-featured
database program such as FoxPro or FileMaker Pro. You'd first define the
structure of the database according to the needs of your multimedia presentation.
dBASE files are defined by the "fields" they contain. A field
is akin to a variable name in Lingo; each contains one discrete piece of
information. For example, suppose you wanted to present a timeline in a
Director project. For each event in the timeline, you'd need to record the
date, a short description of the event, the name of a picture to be displayed
when the event is viewed, a more lengthy narrative description of the event,
and perhaps cross-references to subjects contained elsewhere in the project
to which the event is relevant. Using FoxPro, you could use the Catalog
Manager to define a table containing the fields "DATE", "DESCRIBE",
Unlike Director variables, database fields are generally defined in advance
with a fixed size to represent a particular type of data, such as a date,
a string or an integer. But it's also possible to use a free-form "memo"field when the size of the data isn't known in advance or varies widely.
In this example, the "FULLTEXT" field would likely be a memo field,
since a thorough narrative desciption of an event might take a sentence
or a few pages. Memo fields can store up to 32K of text or other data.
Each event would be entered into the FoxPro table as a separate "record",
which groups together data for all the defined fields of a particular event
in the timeline. The table could contain any number of individual event
records. The table can then be exported as a dBASE file with memo information,
which actually generates two files. For example, the FoxPro "Events"table would be exported to "Events.dbf" (which contains the definition
of the fields in the database, followed by all the individual event records)
and to "Events.dbt" (which contains all the memo fields used in
the database). These files are then used by the FileFlex externals within
When your Director project first starts up, you need to set up FileFlex
before actually opening any database files. In the startMovie handler, for
instance, you would use the DBInitPlatform() FileFlex handler to locate
and open the FileFlex engine. Once the externals are loaded and available,
you initialize FileFlex with the DBOpenSession() handler. This sets up some
global variables that FileFlex needs internally. Finally, you're ready to
open a database.
The DBUse() handler opens a database file. Its syntax is variable. You can
pass a full pathname, or a filename followed by the full pathname to its
containing folder. For example, DBUse("events", the pathName)
will open the .dbf database file created by FoxPro in the example above,
assuming it's located in the same folder as the currently running Director
movie. Since projects running from a CD or run on both platforms can't know
the users' hard drive names in advance at authoring time, this two-parameter
usage is much preferred. It's also important to use the two-parameter syntax
for any project in which you will distribute the runtime version of FileFlex,
since all filenames must encrypted at authoring time. The separate pathname
needn't be encrypted.
If the database opened by DBUse() contains memo fields, its matching .dbt
file is also implicitly opened. Since FileFlex allows more than one database
to be open at a time, the final step is to call DBSelect(), supplying the
database number returned by the DBUse() handler. Now you're ready to access
records in the database.
At this point, your Director interface might display a splash screen, let
the user choose where to navigate to, and ultimately end up in the timeline
screen. You might provide button controls for selecting a particular year,
zooming the scale of the timeline, or scrolling the timeline from left to
right. Given the users' choices, you'd then want to extract events from
the appropriate time period from the database and display them on the screen.
It's beyond the scope of this article to provide a detailed implementation
of this timeline example. However, you might use some of the following FileFlex
calls to extract information to the screen:
-- DBTop(), DBBottom(), DBGo(), DBSkip() and DBLocate() to select particular
event records.
-- DBCount() to determine how many records are available
-- DBGetCurrRecVal("G") to set Lingo global variables (using the
same names as the database's fields) to the values defined by the current
--DBFindMemo() to locate records with memo fields containing certain words.
--DBUseIndex(), DBCreateIndex(), DBSelectIndex(), or DBCheckIndex() to work
with "index" files, which are a very quick way to sort and locate
information. FileFlex uses .ndx formatted index files, rather than FoxPro's
.idx format; however, this isn't a problem, since FileFlex can create its
own .ndx files from FoxPro .dbf files.
When your Director project quits, you'll want to be sure to use DBClose()
and DBClosePlatform() to free FileFlex's open files and resources.
Again, we'd like to thank Glenn and Tab Julius (publisher of the Lingo
User's Journal) for permission to use the above article.
Using FileFlex with Director 5
Director has some amazing interactive media presentation capabilities. It
would be an ideal front-end development tool except for one problem: it
has no data storage mechanism. FileFlex solves that problem.
The Director application and multimedia production take up the vast majority
of system resources. FileFlex, embedded in within the Director movie file
and using only 100K, can search, sort, save, and retrieve information in
industry-compatible database files external to the Director movie files.
FileFlex Adds Database Commands to Lingo
Think of FileFlex as an extension to the Lingo scripting language (this,
of course, means you've got to be conversant with Lingo before you'll be
able to use FileFlex). FileFlex provides no interface tools (not even alerts!),
so it doesn't get in the way of your carefully crafted multimedia presentation.
Instead, FileFlex provides a broad set of information storage, searching,
access, encryption and management functions. FileFlex also provides ragingly-fast
dynamic, on-the-fly encryption and full text search and retrieval.
The easiest way to make use of FileFlex within Director 5 is to drop the
FileFlex Lingo Xtra into the Xtras folder where your Director application
is located. Alternatively, you can use the OpenXLib Lingo command to provide
access to the FileFlex code resources. Once you've done this, FileFlex API
calls behave like any other Lingo functions.
Cross Platform Considerations
Director users can embed database capabilities in their movies and be confident
they'll be usable under both Macintosh and Windows. There are only a few
minor concerns you'll need to take into account when using FileFlex across
- Path specifications to your database will be different. The Macintosh
uses colons (:) to separate folders, while Windows uses backslashes (\)
to do the same. If you choose to open a database with a fully-realized path,
you'll need to change your code as in the example below:
if DBPlatform() is "FFWIN" then
put DBUse("Windy City:Data Warehouse:Names.dbf") into dbID
- If you're using memo field data that comes from an external database
(not entered in Director), you may need to be concerned with line-termination.
The Macintosh terminates each line with a newline, and under Windows the
convention is that each line is terminated with a carriage return and line
feed. FileFlex v1.7 provides a DBConvertCRLF function that helps manage
this inconsistency.
That's it. Otherwise, your Lingo calls to FileFlex will be the same and
the data files will be the same. We designed the Windows version specifically
to make cross-platform porting as effortless as possible.
Installing FileFlex Files
FileFlex is very simple to install. All you need to do is copy the files
into their appropriate locations as described in the next few paragraphs.
FileFlex takes full advantage of the Director 5 Xtra interface. This means
that there are optimized versions of FileFlex for Macintosh 68K, Macintosh
PPC, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT.
FileFlex Engine Files
The following files represent the actual Lingo Engine Xtra for Director
- Macintosh
- FileFlex Engine: The "fat binary" version of FileFlex that
can be used with PowerMacs and 68K Macintosh systems.
- Windows
- FFDIR5.X32: The FileFlex Xtra for 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows
- FFDIR5.X16: The FileFlex Lingo Xtra for 16-bit Windows 3.1
Note: Users of the bundled Lite version will have files called FileFlex
Engine Xtra Lite, FFDIR5LT.X32, and FFDIR5LT.X16, respectively.
FileFlex Tool Xtra Files
FileFlex also includes a number of tool Xtras that make accessing and manipulating
FileFlex data more effective. These include:
- Macintosh
- FileFlex About Tool: The "fat binary" version of the FileFlex
tool Xtra that launches the about dialog for use with PowerMacs and 68K
Macintosh systems.
- FileFlex Test Bench Tool: The "fat binary" version
of the FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex Test Bench for use
with PowerMacs and 68K Macintosh systems.
- FileFlex Deign Tool: The "fat binary" version of
the FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex Database Designer for
use with PowerMacs and 68K Macintosh systems.
- FileFlex About Tool: The "fat binary" version of
the FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex Validation Suite for use
with PowerMacs and 68K Macintosh systems.
- Windows
- FFABOUT.X16: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the about
dialog for FileFlex for 16-bit Windows 3.1
- FFABOUT.X32: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the about
dialog for FileFlex for 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows NT
- FFBENCH.X16: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Test Bench for 16-bit Windows 3.1
- FFBENCH.X32: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Test Bench for 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows NT
- FFDESIGN.X16: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Database Designer for 16-bit Windows 3.1
- FFDESIGN.X32: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Database Designer for 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows NT
- FFVERIFY.X16: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Validation Suite for 16-bit Windows 3.1
- FFVERIFY.X32: The FileFlex tool Xtra that launches the FileFlex
Validation Suite for 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows NT
FileFlex Movie Utility Files
FileFlex includes a number of Director movies that are used as utilities
to FileFlex. These utilities should be launched using the tool Xtras described
above, but they can also be launched by selecting Open from the Director
File menu (not recommended). Each of these files has a dash ('-') in front
of it's name. This is so Director 5 doesn't display the name of the movie
in the Xtras menu.
- Macintosh
- -About FileFlex: The FileFlex about dialog. This also displays
the current version and platform supported.
- -Database Designer: The FileFlex Database designer is used
to create database files, create index files, and browse populated databases.
- -Validation Suite: The FileFlex Validation Suite is used to
verify the correct functioning of the FileFlex engine. It runs each FileFlex
routine and checks to be sure it operates successfully. It's used here as
part of the development process but it can also be used by you to verify
that FileFlex is properly loading.
- -Test Bench: This is an unsupported movie document that's useful
for tinkering with FileFlex.
- Windows
- -FFABOU.DIR: The FileFlex about dialog. This also displays
the current version and platform supported.
- -FFDESIG.DIR: The FileFlex Database designer is used to create
database files, create index files, and browse populated databases.
- -FFVERIF.DIR: The FileFlex Validation Suite is used to verify
the correct functioning of the FileFlex engine. It runs each FileFlex routine
and checks to be sure it operates successfully. It's used here as part of
the development process but it can also be used by you to verify that FileFlex
is properly loading.
- -FFBENCH.DIR: This is an unsupported movie document that's
useful for tinkering with FileFlex.
Finally, FileFlex includes a test data folder containing the VIDEO.DBF and
VIDEO.DBT data files.
Note: If you want to modify these files, MAKE A COPY and place them
outside the Test Data folder. The FileFlex Validation Suite relies on the
files in the Test Data folder being exactly as shipped from the Factory.
Also, after running the validation suite, you may wish to remove from the
Test Data folder all of the various temporary DBF, DBT, and NDX files other
than VIDEO.DBF and VIDEO.DBT created by the validation suite.
FileFlex Folder/File Structure--Macintosh
Here's how your files should be arranged in their folders on the Macintosh:
- The Director 5 Application
- Xtras
- FileFlex Xtras
- FileFlex Engine
- FileFlex About Tool
- FileFlex Design Tool
- FileFlex Test Bench Tool
- FileFlex Verification Tool
- -About FileFlex
- -Validation Suite
- -Database Designer
- -Test Bench
- Test Data
FileFlex Folder/File Structure--Windows 3.1
Here's how your files should be arranged in their folders on Windows 3.1:
- The Director 5 Application
- FFDIR5.X16
FileFlex Folder/File Structure--Windows 95 and Windows NT
Here's how your files should be arranged in their folders on Windows 95
and Windows NT:
- The Director 5 Application
- FFDIR5.X32
Color Palette Considerations
The various utility movies all use the "System - Mac" 8-bit color
palette and when invoked by the tool Xtras, are displayed as movies in a
window (MIAW). There are some color concerns here because your movie may
not (and probably won't) have the same color palettes as the utility movies.
When each of the utility movies displays, it will attempt to change the
palette to the "System - Mac" palette so the movie graphics look
correct. When it exits, it will tell the stage to return the color palette
back to it's original form. This will work fine if your movie is running.
If it is stopped, however, the palette will not revert until you rewind
or otherwise reset your movie to show your palette.
Upgrading from Earlier FileFlex Releases
If you're upgrading from an earlier FileFlex release, there are some things
you should be aware of:
- The FileFlex Engine is now a Director Xtra, not an XFCN or a DLL. While
we ship an XFCN with FileFlex (professional edition), it's solely for use
by Director 4 users who can't yet migrate to Director 5 and for users of
XFCN compatible environments. Likewise, the XObject DLL version of the engine
is for use with Windows Director 4 users. We STRONGLY recommend migrating
to Director 5.
- The FileFlex wrapper scripts have changed--for the better. They are
now identical on both the Macintosh and Windows platforms, making porting
between platforms even easier. Make sure you update your wrapper scripts.
- You should no longer use OpenXlib. Instead, be sure to place the engine
inside the Xtras folder, preferably in the FileFlex Xtras folder or FFXtras
folder as described above.
- FileFlex is no longer a code resource. If you've embedded a copy of
FileFlex inside your movie file, remove it.
A Sample Lingo Session with FileFlex
What follows is a Lingo session (from the Director Message Window) showing
some basic FileFlex interaction with Director:
-- Welcome to MacroMind Director
put DBOpenSession()
-- "0"put DBUse("Video.dbf")
-- "1"put DBSelect("1")
-- "0"put DBListFields()
-- "12
put DBGetCurrRecVal("L ")
-- "1
"put DBGo("15")
-- "0"put DBGetCurrRecVal("L ")
-- "15
Of course, you'll want to embed your Lingo code within buttons and pretty
FileFlex is an amazingly versatile tool. Combine it with the visual power
of Director and there's no limit to the cool projects you'll be able to
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Copyright (c) 1996 David Gewirtz under license to Component Software Corp.
All rights reserved worldwide.